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Acupuncture has become widly known and accepted to help aid in many ailments including injury and or disease. It treats musculoskeletal disorders such as sports related injuries, motor vehical accidents, pains and aches. Acupuncture is a component of traditional chinese medicine. Acupuncture is performed by inserting very fine needles into the body. The insertion and manipulation of these needles can balance the energy and regulate the function. The goal of Acupuncture is to clear disruptions in the flow of qi (CH) in the body. When there are disruptions in the energy flow it will cause blockages and that will generally manifest as illness, pain or disease.

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

Acupuncture is most often painless, like a pinch. Once the acupuncture points are stimulated the client may feel some sensations of heat or heaviness, tingling, electric sensation as energy pathways are opened and balanced. These sensations are natural and any discomfort a client experiences is usually brief and mild.

How Many Treatments May I Need?

This will depend on the individual, duration, severity and nature of complaint. Some clients find relief after a single treatment and others may require five to fifteen treatments depending on the longevity of the condition. Some chronic or degenerative conditions can require up to three to six months of treatment.

How Can Acupuncture Benefit Me?

Acupuncture can aid in pain relief in general. Acupuncture strengthens and regenerates the body from within. Acupuncture not only improves the physical aspects, it has a positive effect on both the emotional, physical and phsychological areas of the body. Acupuncture harmonizes the body for a better you.

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